主題 | 名稱 | 說明 |
主題 1 | 102.05.24_101學年度「年度研討會」各組成果影片 |
主題 2 | ||
內含許多生活應用的詞彙供查詢 |
104年度共備共學閱讀理解教學策略與成果 |
新北市 | 國小教學好用網站-依主題分類 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ2xcqymxRU |
主題 4 | offered by art wang |
主題 5 | ||
國小 |
國中 |
主題 6 | ||
雙語教育-文化與英語教學(教師分組presentation) |
主題 7 |
新竹市三民國中潘慧嵐老師 |
共有十一段影片,都有英文字幕。可以一個一個影片播放,作生命教育課程。 或是可以做聽力理解(Listening Comprehension)訓練。 每一部影片內用的英文大多不困難,一般國三學生可以看懂、聽懂70%以上。 |
聖經故事動畫版,可以訓練英語聽力 |
主題 8 | ||
主題 9 | ||
I’ve been thinking about how to create a more authentic environment for my students to use the language. Today, two student volunteers from Holland and Australia, Noel and Chelsea, helped a lot with both language practice and cultural exchange. Working in groups, my students did a little presentation about windmills, floating houses, bicycles and the Anne Frank House in Holland. Last week, my students watched a few videos on Of course, my students’ spoken English still has a lot Noel gave my students his feedback after the presentation. He also explained other purposes of windmills. He was asked to sing the national anthem of the Netherlands. He then shared his experience of living in the float house. He taught us how to say I love you in Dutch as well. Chelsea introduced the differences of the educational system between Taiwan and Australia. She also kindly helped answer some of the students’ questions. When the class was over, we took a lot of pictures. Meanwhile, for those who were not well enough to participate during the class, I encouraged them to approach the volunteers and say anything they like, so they did. Noel and Chelsea were so busy taking pictures with the students before they finally had to catch the taxi. Thanks to my fellow member of the English Advisory Group who made this happen, we had fun using English as a tool for communication today. In addition, I would also like to thank my colleagues in the Academic Office for the certificate of appreciation and the lovely souvenir of KuangMing. |
Ever since Akiko and I determined to make this Skype exchange happen regardless of all the hurdles ahead of us this September, we have been doing “collaborative lesson planning” through Skype many times. Besides our passion and dedication to this project, the idea is that we need to come up with workable lesson plans, worksheets and other materials to meet the goal of effective communication between both sides. Today, in the beginning of our meeting, we reviewed a bit of what we learned from the very first Skype exchange last Friday. I brought up the issue of poor laptop sound quality and consulted with Akiko and Bettie on how to fix it before the second exchange. We considered using headsets, but that meant we would have to prepare more laptops for EACH student, which is not going to happen in the near future. As a result, I’ll just have to ask my students not to be shy and raise their voice so that we can hear each other clearly. Then, we together decided on the topic for this Friday’s meeting: music. On my end, I’ll tell my students that this is another Show and Tell activity which we have done before, meaning they get to bring any musical instruments, CD albums or posters of singers they like and give an introduction in English. I know some of my students would really love to talk about his favorite Japanese comic book characters, but due to the “We need to be on the same page.” principle, I’ll just have to suggest introducing a theme song from that comic book instead. Next, we’ll develop a worksheet as scaffolding to help with useful English expressions regarding this topic, such as words and phrases to describe what they think of or how they feel about a specific song, singer or band. With the help of Google Drive, now we can edit and share our learning materials together online. On top of that, we also decided that each group would have 10 minutes to talk about music, and then we'll rotate the students as to meet up different people and become more and more fluent after a few rounds. Why am I so obsessed with this exchange idea? Well, I myself have worked on my English speaking skills through Skype for many years, and I know this is the only way to become fluent without leaving the country. Also, when I attended the workshop in Seoul last summer, I met wonderful English teachers from Japan, Korea and many other countries and was able to have meaningful conversations with them in English. When I was in Kyoto this August, I enjoyed talking with a Japanese cartoonist about Japanese comic books and professional wrestling so much. I want my students to experience it and also become aware that being able to use English to get to know people outside of Taiwan is so much fun. |
Coolenglish使用教學影片 更多到下方播放清單觀看 教育部提供coolenglish使用教學說明 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ0xILvtTnmAmBDn9nRo7lQeuDQplOTb0 |
彰化縣 | ||
彰化英文新聞 |
彰化縣國際教育暨英語教學資源中心活動影片 |
聽力測驗光碟製作 |
101年度「國民小學英語歌唱比賽」 |
彰化縣103學年度英語歌唱比賽 |
性別平等議題融入國小英語教學 |
彰化縣104學年度英語朗讀比賽影片 |
彰化縣105學年度英語團體朗讀比賽 |
南投縣 | 輔導員--王榮俊老師教學演示 |
主題 12 | ||
主題 13 | 東石國中參加嘉義縣100年度英語日英語歌唱 |
嘉義市 | 蘭潭國中英語語資班話劇表演(99) |
嘉義市兒童英語新聞 |
臺南市 | ||
高雄市 | 優等以上學校表演影音檔 |
優等以上學校表演影音檔 |
優等以上學校表演影音檔 |
優等以上學校表演影音檔 |
此英語教學影片資源來自高雄市英語教學資源中心 |
當客家語遇上英語(國中活化教學列車) |
英資中心外師教學影片 |
英資中心外師教學影片 |
英資中心外師教學影片 |
屏東縣 | 2010年潮州國小畢典MV (6 classes, 6 differnt songs) |
聖誕節要唱什麼歌? 看這裡就對了! |
常用的綜合型網站,內容從Phonics到Short Stories,也有小遊戲可以互動 |
kizclub.com |
Musical Nursery Rhymes |
潮州國小瘋狂長頭蝨演出DJ of My Dreams |
南榮國中鄞翊軒老師 |
宜蘭縣 | 英語資源中心網站 |
Yilan County Hall |
好站連結--English Blog |
教學觀摩示範影片 |
會考英聽範例 |
宜蘭英語島 |
輔導團影音資源 |
中華國中校慶蔡昕璁演唱與楊士賢老師吉他合作 |
主題 19 | 98年英語歌唱比賽特優第一 |
99年英語歌唱比賽特優第一 |
臺東縣英語「契作」團 | 本縣各區域成績公告 |
本縣分區前三名影片 |
主題 21 | ||