主題 | 名稱 | 說明 | ||||
新北市 | ||||||
學習單 |
教具製作 |
基隆市 | ||||||
本次徵稿分為短篇故事組與鄉土資源組 |
基隆市國中小自編海洋議題繪本 |
基隆市國中小自編漫畫繪本資料 |
主題 4 | reading literacy |
臺北市國小英語導覽教材HOT SPOTS IN TAIPEI摺頁主要是由臺北市十二行政區中分別選出代表性的景點,以臺北市英語課程綱要為基礎進行編寫,做為教師補充教學之用,也期待孩子能運用英語介紹自己居住的城市。 |
臺北市國小英語補充教學教材English Easy Go依照低、中、高年級介紹不同的繪本,並設計閱讀教學前、中、後之提問與學習單,供教師從事英語閱讀教學及補充教學之用。 |
臺北市國小英語補充教學教材English Easy Go依照低、中、高年級介紹不同的繪本,並設計閱讀教學前、中、後之提問與學習單,供教師從事英語閱讀教學及補充教學之用。 |
主題 5 | 13鄉鎮市特色英語韻文 |
國立師範大學英語系陳純音教授帶領桃園縣英語輔導團學習手冊小組編纂 |
國立師範大學英語系陳純音教授及央團輔導員盧貞穎老師帶領桃園縣輔導團隊製作 |
國立師範大學英語系陳純音教授及央團輔導員盧貞穎老師帶領桃園縣輔導團隊製作 |
新竹縣 | 以竹東國中為例 |
Culture & Teaching Exchange Workshop |
雙語教育-文化與英語教學 |
英語教學網站分享 |
新竹縣英語課程綱要暨參考手冊 |
教材編修 |
新竹縣外師成果展 |
新竹市 | 新竹市英語資源網站 |
104年國際課程外師問卷調查104.4.17 |
103年外師教學案之英語種子十年經驗分享-竹市小英團主輔楊惠椿老師 |
各類節慶ppt |
介紹情人節的由來<以希臘神話故事人引導 |
主題 8 | ||||||
主題 9 | Being invited to be a judge for teaching demonstration for the fifth time, I’d like to share some of my humble opinions when taking the ultimate test of becoming a qualified English teacher in public junior high schools: 1. Pronunciation and intonation are fundamental and crucial part of the whole process. If you have poor pronunciation and speak in a boring monotone, it would be quite excruciating for the judges to sit through your teaching demonstration. 2. When pronouncing those words, such as “raise” your hand, you are “wrong”, don’t “make” mistakes or put “down” your hands, please pay attention to the underlined vowels and see if you can say it right. You definitely don’t want to repeat those errors over and over again. 3. Within two minutes, judges will immediately decide whether they want to give you high scores or not based solely on your fluency. Seemingly, some people are teaching in English. In fact, they’re just murmuring or repeating what they’re writing on the blackboard word by word, not to mention switching back in Chinese, which indicates your inefficient language skills. Even worse, “OK.老師要quickly review今天我們learn的東西。” , which is totally a disaster. Without a shadow of a doubt, you really want to work hard on English speaking and some other presentation skills to stand out from other competitors. 4. You can do a lot to showcase what you’re capable of in fifteen minutes, but instead, some teachers chose to spend over half of the time or even more focusing only on grammar. What a waste of time! When you were busy jotting down those grammatical patterns on the blackboard, the other judge and I were yawning behind your back. 5. When teaching grammar, some teachers tried to use technical terms, like “third person singular”, “past progressive”, “conjunctions” and so on to explain how to use the pattern. Well, English is not our first language, and you’re already struggling with fluency. I really fail to understand why you want to put yourself in a more awkward situation like this. Why not just set up a real-life situation and have your students work in pairs practicing the structure? Then, maybe you don’t really have to get suck in the jargon. 6. Instead of overwhelming the judges with those patterns which can’t impress the judges whatsoever, why not incorporate some innovative teaching strategies, like cooperative learning, differentiated teaching or reading strategies, to impress the judges? All you have to do is just give your activity instructions like: “This question is a bit difficult/easy. All Spongebobs/Patricks (advanced learners/slow learners) in each group please stand up. If you know the answer, raise your hand.”, “Now, use the pictures on page 11 and 12 to make predictions about the main idea of the dialogue.” or “Look at your role sheet. If you take on Task 1, please go to Group 1 (Expert Group) now. Your job is to master Task 1 with your new group members. When time is up, you have to go to your original group (Home Group) and share what you learned with your members.” 7. To my surprise, 9 out of 23 teachers used identical teaching procedures today: “Good morning, students. You look energetic today…..”, “Let’s review the vocabulary that we learned yesterday.”, “I’ll write down three questions before I play the CD.”, “OK. What is the answer for (to) question NO.1? Any volunteer? Peter? Good. Yes, the answer is …… Good job. You got one point for Group 1.”, Now, we’ll play a game. If you think it is true, make a circle with your hands. If you think it is false, make a cross with your hands. Good. Question 1. Any volunteer? Good. Mary, what’s your answer? Very good. You’re right. The answer is ….”. Simply put, as a judge, I want to see your professional skills both in English and teaching within 15 minutes. After all, we’re “English” “teachers”. You have to be an expert in both, not just one. |
Ever since I learned how to use Screencastify at the workshop a few weeks ago, I've been thinking about how I can also get my students to practice English with it. Then, I introduced them some famous teen YouTubers and their videos for the next project, Self-Introduction in English. To motivate their interest of learning, I also told them that they could showcase their talents, introduce their hobbies or pets, and anything like that. As usual, they came up with the script first, and then I helped revise it. As a demonstration of how to make a video with only a laptop, I gave an impromptu English speech about my recent teaching demonstration in the classroom. Well, it was not bad in terms of pronunciation and intonation, I think, even though I made a few mistakes. If I want to make a perfect one, of course I'll have to do a lot more preparation in advance. Then, I can also use the video editing software to cut out unwanted parts. Amy and Sherry both have a beautiful voice. Amy is especially quite good at playing the ukulele. They made this cover, A Little Happiness, which I taught last semester. I almost had goosebumps while listening to them sing in the classroom though they really didn't think they were that good. Sherry was really brave to be the first one recording her self-introduction. She worked hard on her script as well. She talked about her personality, hobbies and how easily she would be moved to tears by movies. (To be continued) |
Creating an authentic environment for my students to speak the language and get to experience cultural exchanges are always the main ideas throughout this course of International Education. Toshi, a Japanese English teacher who is also a Global English alumni of the UO AEI, came to visit me during his trip to Taiwan this February. We toured places including 刑務演武場, 光明國中, 逢甲夜市 and 東豐自行車道. It was such a pleasant experience for me to introduce the beauty of Taichung to Toshi in English, and I also gained new perspectives from his points of view. What if I could duplicate what I learned and extend Toshi's visit to benefit my students by getting them to make oral presentations about the same tourist attractions?
Thanks a million to Toshi, he not only immediately showed his interest in this little project but kindly created PPT slides as his self-introduction intended to serve as an ice-breaking activity prior to my students' presentations. We spent an hour discussing the details about the video conferencing, complete with how I'd like to use my cell phone to wirelessly mirror everything on the big screen and also how Toshi would share the slides on the screen while doing the self-introduction. Because the midterm was around the corner, they didn't have plenty of time making adequate preparations as before, so I told them in advance that it was perfectly okay if they couldn't do their best. Moreover, Toshi also wanted me to reassure my students that they didn't have to worry about their imperfect English, which is also what I've been showing them during this course.
Based on the three predetermined topics, the campus of Kuang Ming, the historic kendokan during the Japanese colonial period and Fengjia Night Market, the students also worked in three groups accordingly. I presented them with useful vocab words and expressions as scaffolding for their scripts and helped with the revision to make them more colloquial. Teaching procedures are stated as follows: 1. Background information. 2. Equipping students with useful English expressions. 3. Brainstorming and organizing ideas with mind mapping. 4. Creating drafts and scripts. 5. Revisions of the scripts. 6. Rehearsal for the presentations. 7. The real performance 8. Feedback and reflection. Materials and equipment needed in the classroom: 1. PPT slides of useful English expressions. 2. PPT slides of Toshi's introduction 3. A wireless Internet connection and an Android dongle for Mirrorcast 4. A laptop with Skype pre-installed. 5. Students' questions for Toshi during the Q and A session Toshi and I reflected on whether we achieved the goal or not via Skype immediately when the class was over. Toshi said that he could understand what my students were trying to say most of the time. He thinks their English listening comprehension is quite good, too. I said it was probably because of his excellent English pronunciation and intonation. Some of my students tried to have a casual conversation with Toshi, making fun of one of the seventh graders. Unfortunately, the inevitable happened again, but I was not caught off guard and managed to stay calm this time. At first, my students were quite shy even though this was the fifth time they spoke in English with foreigners. Then, due to the very unstable WiFi connection in the classroom, we were cut off Skype a few times. In addition, this was the first time I used the dongle for Miracast during the whole Skype session, and it also got disconnected two or three times. The quickest and easiest solution is always to restart the process all over again. Well, I'm really glad we did it again, creating another opportunity for the students to practice their English in an authentic context like this. They got to learn to introduce their own school, the historic kendokan nearby and, of course, the renowned night market here in Taichung in English. With a few more practices, I am confident that my students will be able to talk about the history, culture, street foods and so on of some tourist attractions of Taichung City. |
Teacher Leo's attempt to incorporate iPad in his English teaching, along with some useful apps. |
https://drive.google.com/a/tc.edu.tw/file/d/0B_6tE2-3kfCaclg0QVFHUWtENlk/view?usp=sharing |
http://eng-j.guidance.tc.edu.tw/2017/05/3-2-11060502-b.html |
主題 10 | e化教材資料 |
自製中秋節線上多媒體教材,有多頁,按上方標題箭頭可至不同的頁面。請用支援 HTML 5 的新版瀏覽器觀看。 |
南投縣 | ||||||
雲林縣 | 雲林縣各領域輔導員英語闖關活動 (1) 機場篇 (2) 海關篇 (3) 餐廳篇 (4) 飯店篇 |
多元評量(by Claire) |
Board Game Template |
有效讀寫教學策略(by Wendy) |
行動學習教案 |
行動學習教案 |
行動學習APP推薦 |
Caroline TEFL Journey 版主任職於桃園市公立小學。 |
補救教學示例 |
有效教學示例 |
差異化教學示例 |
性別融入教學-共備 (by Wayne, Joy, Claire) |
電子書製作 |
Halloween投影片 |
福山國中雙語環境簡報 |
嘉義縣 | ||||||
嘉義市 | 嘉義市學生學習手冊-魔力英語幻多奇 |
嘉義市在地文化推廣-世賢小小外交官手冊 |
嘉義市國際教育實例分享- |
臺南市 | 忠孝國中牛津閱讀學習單 |
中國節慶 |
高雄市 | ||||||
課程與教材 |
課程與教材 |
課程與教材 |
課程與教材 |
課程與教材 |
協助孩無法拼音的孩子~ |
幫助孩不認識KK音標的學生~ |
從各個面向關注\補教教學如何在12年國教後落實 |
高分群,常態班與低成就學生的教學策略~ |
看各國的學校營養午餐,學國家名稱與食物名稱! |
屏東縣 | ||||||
Breaking Free學習單 |
Hey Jude學習單 |
Nobody學習單 |
close to you學習單 |
can't smile without you學習單 |
All he does is LIN, LIN, LIN~ All we do is SHARE, SHARE, SHARE~ :) |
writing a Xmas Card to Santa in Germany, Canada, Finland or even Hong Kong |
intro, pop quiz and ppt of NZ |
性平與人權議題融入教學教案 |
性平與人權議題融入教學教案PPT |
宜蘭縣 | ||||||
有關食物教學的活動彙整 |
Animals 動物 Daily life日常生活 Family 家人 Food 食物 Festivals 節慶 Grammar 文法練習 Location 地點/地區 Numbers/ Time 數字時間 School/learning 學習 Weather 氣候 |
ETA teaching |
ETA teaching--101-2 |
好站連結--English Blog |
教學觀摩示範影片 |
補救教學行動社群 |
優良試題 |
ETA Fulbright 外師教材設計 |
主題 19 | 花蓮縣國中英語自助餐 |
包含4級英語護照內容之文字檔與語音檔 |
本網站提供國語字音字形、英語字母、單字 與閱讀等學習以及測驗資源 |
內容包含花蓮各鄉鎮之英文版特色介紹 |
外籍老師繪本設計教學 |
臺東縣英語「契作」團 | 本手冊為本縣國小英語輔導團於98年編彙 |
主題 21 | ||||||
澎科大 國教輔導團 |
主題 22 | ||||||
主題 23 | ||||||
東莒國小英語達人傳說 |
英語達人傳說素材 |
課堂英語遊戲類教學活動 |